How far along?: 12 weeks 4 days
Baby is the size of a: peach
Total weight gain/loss: same!
The Bump: I have a mini bump…just looking chubby really, bluck.
Symptoms: dizziness. Fainting. Not fun!
Food Cravings: tacos! Pears with salt! Hot wings and pizza. Coke….I know, so bad.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: meat, still!
Sleep: getting a tad more energy but still needing tons of sleep!
What I miss: feeling great!
Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
Any Names Picked Out Yet: dying to know gender so we can really talk about this!!
Gender: we find out January 5th!
Movement: little bug is on the move! Just still feeling flutters
Maternity Clothes: jeans are super tight! I’m rockin the rubberband button!
Labor Signs: nope!
Best Moment of the Week: telling my kinder babies im having my own baby! they were soooo exited!!! one week closer to Christmas break! Christmas time is fun in kinder!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: polar express this weekend! My birthday next week…don’t want to be 27, but 27 comes with being a mommy so I’m okay with that! 🙂
So precious! Love the chalk board idea to document how far along you are!!