- How far along?: 15 Weeks 3 Days
- Baby is the size of a: an avocado (according to What to Expect Pregnancy app)
- Total weight gain/loss: -3 lbs says the scale at the dr’s office
- The Bump: I’m definitely seeing the bump more and more everyday!
- Symptoms: I’ve felt great this week!
- Food Cravings: Pretty much anything yummy! I ate my weight in toffee at Christmas!
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Just chicken and the smell of chicken.
- Sleep: Hubby bought be a pregnancy Boppy. BEST. THING. EVER.
- What I miss: Wine. Everyone drinking it at Christmas was NO FUN.
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on 🙂
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: We have a few of each gender.
- Gender: We find out a week from tomorrow!!!!!!!
- Movement: Definitely feeling the mini move around, mostly at night time!
- Maternity Clothes: Pretty much just living in tights and lululemon!
- Labor Signs: no way!
- Best Moment of the Week: Christmas! Getting to use my new camera my hubby bought me! Planning the gender reveal party with Kristin & being with family!
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: GENDER SONOGRAM on Wednesday and then finding out at the gender reveal party on Saturday! I. CANNOT. WAIT!
Merry Christmas from Tucker!
Take lots of pictures at the gender reveal party 🙂