How far along?: 19 weeks
- Baby is the size of a: tomato (6 in, .5 lbs) (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: still +2 on my scale at home
- Stretch Marks? No, thank you Jesus! Don’t even think about it, you nasty little things.
- The Bump: Showing a lot more this week!
- Symptoms: feeling really good!
- Food Cravings: hmmm let’s see. What am I NOT craving?
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope!
- Sleep: > everything
- What I miss: nothing really this week. I’ve been a little stuffy and that comes with pregnancy for me…so that can go away!
- Weddings Rings On or Off: on ๐
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: not yet!
- Gender: PINK!
- Movement: feeling her everyday now, and not just at night. Daddy got to feel her kick a few nights ago! I think it’s the sweetest thing ever and such a good reminder that she’s good in there!!
- Maternity Clothes: nope, still fitting in my jeans and clothes. Not really sure how…I was well out of jeans by this time with Laikyn.
- Labor Signs: no way!
- Best Moment of the Week: Watching Daddy feel sweet baby girl kick! It’s just as sweet the second time around.
- Feeling: great!
- What Iโm excited about/looking forward to: getting nursery furniture finished that I started this week. We got the crib, it just needs to be painted and bedding needs to be finalized. It will come together before we know it! If only we could agree on a name…. ๐
You look adorable ๐ I can't wait to see the nursery!! Happy weekend. I would love to be apart of your mam's circles on instagram!! Let me know if you ever need any other mamas
[email protected] Inst-Chels2234