Well, I told you that I would post about the way I got my job teaching Kindergarten in my new town. I taught Kindergarten in Amarillo for 2 years prior, and LOVED it! I worked at the best school in town and had the best teacher friends and principal. I miss that place...But, on to new and exciting ...
res·o·lu·tion [rez-uh-loo-shuhn] nouna resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.I've never really made a resolution, so in 2012 my biggest New Year's Resolution was to make resolutions! Seeing as it is over ...
New Year=New Outlook
Welcome to our blog! We fell in love and got married June 25, 2011 and here's what has happened in our newlywed bliss since then... :)It's Sunday, January 22, 2012, and we are just 3 days short of marking our 7th month of marriage! I thought I would try out this whole blog thing to keep family ...