Fairly often, I am asked about blogging and why I blog. I started this blog back in 2012 when I got married, moved away from my family to a small town, started a new job, and felt lost in all of the transition. I knew that “home is where my husband is” and I was encouraged by all of the good changes in my life, but I lacked the sense of feeling complete in my new town. It’s hard to move. It’s extra hard to move, change jobs, make new friends all while living with your new husband and balancing everything in your life. It’s so hard, y’all. If you’re going through this — let me just tell you: the first 6 months are HARD. While it feels near impossible; promise you will get through it, grow from it, embrace the change and become to love your new. Give it some time, try new things and try to embrace the positive in everything.
For me, blogging was an outlet in my new town. Before the move, I was used to grabbing Starbucks during my lunch break, running to TJ Maxx after school and then meeting friends for a happy hour. I was used to seeing my mom everyday for one thing or another. I was used to living by myself and spending time on things that I loved. All of these things changed and I had a hard time knowing what my “new” was. I took on blogging to share with my family and friends who I didn’t live close to anymore what I was doing each day (which looked nothing like Starbucks & Target or happy hour…). I shared my outfits. I shared the adventures that my new hubby and I went on. I shared how we decided to build our first home. I shared how I found out I was pregnant with our first baby. I shared my pregnancy. I shared the growth of my first and all of her milestones. I shared the announcement of my second pregnancy, my second baby’s birth, her nursery, and her milestones! I’ve shared our life through this little blog.
So why do I blog?
I blog because it helps me as a person. Especially after having babies, it encourages me to do something for me. It helps me put my feelings into words, and yes, it is public but I know that I cannot be the only person going through what I’m going through. It helps me go back and know what was going on in each season of my life. It helps me to remember when LC started rolling over and when Lennie Girl started waving bye-bye. It helps me remember how I was feeling when I was going through nursing struggles or what our house looked like before it was built when our loved ones gave us their favorite scripture to write on the beams. And if the things I’m writing are helping me, I’m hoping that they’re helping my readers, too. When I feel compelled to share something, it’s usually because God has put it on my heart.
What about the vulnerability?
Yes, I’ve been vulnerable to post all of these things. I’ve done it for several reasons, and while hesitant posting some of the things I have; I’ve felt a nudge from God. Things have been put on my heart to share. I’ve tried to be obedient about those things and am so thankful that God does put these things on my heart. If I’m only helping one person with a post, I’m happy. I do share the highlights on my blog, and not the everyday life. I share what is put on my heart to share and what will benefit those that it’s being shared with. I blog about things that are important to me, things that I love and want to share with everyone, things that uplift and empower the people that are reading what I’m writing. I share good sales, clothes and accessories that I love, and baby items. I share many things that are relevant to our lives right now.
Sometimes, bloggers get a label. Sometimes, it’s not taken seriously. Sometimes, blogging is not understood to be what it is. Sometimes people don’t really understand what bloggers actually do.
Blogging can be many things for many different people. A blog that started as an outlet and a place to share for me has turned into a small business. After some time of writing just when I wanted to, I became involved in a group with other bloggers who opened my eyes to the world of monetizing my blog. I realized that I could actually get paid to do what I was doing already! This changed my world from just already blogging to blog for fun to give me some motivation to blog to review items and promote things that I or my readers would possibly buy!
It has been a place where I can share with my readers where to get something that I love or how to make a wall turn into solid glitter. It’s been a blog that I wasn’t sure if my only reader was my mother to a blog that reaches thousands of people. I am so thankful for everyone that trusts my opinion enough to read my words, reviews and say such nice things to the person behind these words and photos.
The time that I take to share these things, promote businesses that I care about, post on my social media accounts all supports my family in some way or another. It contributes to support my girls, it gives them clothes (sometimes for free), it provides for them new things that sometimes they wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for my influence through blogging and social media. For that, I am thankful. Blogging can create so many networks and new relationships with others that I have found some great friends and created lasting relationships. It has opened many doors for our little family, and I am supported by my family which means the world to me.
It might be hard to understand for some, or most, but blogging is a great thing for us. It’s not for everyone, just like not everyone is going to like a certain job. For me, it’s allowed me to stay at home with my girls while still being able to contribute in some way. It’s given me satisfaction to help others and uplift those who might be in the same situation as me.
I am no where near perfect, nor do I want anyone to believe that I am! I struggle with real-life things like what to make for dinner and babies throwing fits, laundry piled up and dirty floors to dirty hair (yes you know I go 7 days..haha) and unread books. I don’t look perfect, ever, even if it may look so through my photos. I’m real. I’m human. I get ready a few days a week for errands, special events or to take photos for blog looks. It’s my job to share things, take professional looking photos or hire a professional, share about clothes, accessories, etc. The images on my Instagram are my real life, they just are images that are the “best of the bunch” or my “highlight reel” but never will I ever share something that isn’t real or that I don’t support. My Instagram account is an influencing platform that has promotions, paid posting and giveaways as well as pictures that I want to share of my family, kids, etc.
It may look like I have everything together, but believe me, I don’t. There is nothing perfect about my life. Those of you that know me in real life can vouch, I’m driving the same struggle bus you’re riding on! I just share my favorite moments that have the best photos as well as promote the things that I feel fit for readers!
This blog has been prayed over. It’s been blessed by God and become a blessing to us! I hope that you are encouraged and uplifted every time you come to my little space. It is a place for all things lovely, and I do hope you feel loved.
sweater c/o Chicwish // leggings c/o Spanx // booties
If you ever have any questions for me about blogging, life, or just want to say hi…please don’t hesitate to email me or comment here so I can get back to you! Also, please let me know if anyone has any interest on how to start a blog or how to make money on blogging!
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Photography by BonBon’s Photography
This post may contain gifted items for consideration and affiliate links. By purchasing through these links, you support and help this blog run! Thank you!
Well stated!! It often feels so vulnerable to put yourself out there for the world to read about, but knowing it just might help one person makes it well worth the effort! Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging us all with it!!
Love your voice in this post. Great OOTD too! 🙂