Age :: two months
Length ::
Weight :: 10 lbs 15 oz
Milestones :: she’s smiling socially, cooing and talking-exercising her voice, holding her head up longer, rolling from back to side and stomach to side, focusing and looking at objects (she loves the ceiling fan), kicks in her bouncer and relaxes in her swing
Sleep :: still sleeping 6-7 hour stretches with the exception of a few nights. She is going through a growth spurt so needs the sleep but also likes to fight going to sleep! She’s still sleeping in her rock n play at night and takes naps in the nap nanny and her cradle.
Favorites :: eating, bath time, tummy time, being outside, looking at the tv or something bright, riding in the car
Doesn’t like :: being naked, being cold, to burp after eating, shoes (makes mommy sad)
I promise I haven’t forgotten about her 1
Month favorites post, baby registry post or 2 months favorite post!
We go Thursday for her lip and tongue tie revision so keep her in your prayers!!