I have been raving for months now about It Works! products. I finally decided that I’ve been raving about them so much I should just join the team. So, I did! I’m now an It Works! distributor.
Since I promised you a product review of this fabulous skin care, I thought I would start out with a little background of why I searched and searched for the perfect all-natural skin care line.
About 2 years ago, I started having HORRIFIC headaches. No one in my family had migraines, so I didn’t really know what they felt like. I went to the eye doctor for an annual check up and told my doctor that I was having horrible headaches and was getting fuzzy eyes. He told me that I had been having classic migraines. Shocker! Long story short…I went to my family physician who sent me to a neurosurgeon who sent me to a neurologist who diagnosed me with migraines. I got on a prophylactic that made me crazy, got off of that after 3 weeks of a trial and then just settled on a plan that I would just take meds at the beginning onset of a migraine. This was a great plan, except I was having migraines on a daily basis for months and I felt like it wasn’t healthy taking all of that medicine!
So, we dove a little deeper and began tracking my migraines. Another long story short, it had a lot to do with hormones, foods, light, sounds, etc. Basically, anything can trigger a migraine! I got off all medication and just started tracking the migraines and taking medicine at the onset. (I can tell you more about the medicines if you are interested…just comment and I can email you back)!
The more and more I tracked, the more I realized a lot of it is hormones, and in my case it is a high level of estrogen that spikes and causes a migraine. It wasn’t until Dr. Oz (yes, I believe everything he says) brought to my attention several things that can cause a spike in estrogen!
I don’t pay attention to many of the things I eat or products I use on a daily basis, but after his episode, I began to track what I was using. He said in {this} episode that estrogen spikes can be caused by parabens (polyparabens, phytoparabens, etc.) in your beauty products and soy in your diet, and in my case cause migraines. I immediately went to my shampoo, lotions, etc. and looked to see if any of the things I used had parabens. Sure enough, almost all of them did! I chunked them in the trash (or gave most of it away) and started fresh, and natural.
The skin care I had been using since I was 14 or so (which was fabulous) contained 2 types of parabens! I was shocked! I began searching for a new skin care line and stumbled upon It Works! I looked in the ingredients to make sure it really was all natural and did not contain any type of parabens. It didn’t! I immediately clicked the order button and gave it a try! I’ve been using it for about 3 months now and am SOLD on all of these all-natural products.
What is a paraben you ask? Read more about parabens and other unnatural ingredients in your products {here}.
I’m sold. Not just on their skincare, but on ALL of their natural products! They make you feel fabulous and the main thing is: they are healthy for you!
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Natural Products