Last year, I posted 7 resolutions HERE. I have never been a huge resolution person…for one, I don’t stick to them and for 2, I always come up with the same ones. I must’ve been on to something last year…because I was on a good track.
1. Embrace – I feel like I did embrace. 2011 was like the year of change for me. 2012, I embraced that change. 2013 will be the biggest year of change. Let’s see if I can keep up the embracement. Is embracement even a word?
2. Get finished with grad school – I’m on the right track. Set to graduate August 2014, since I can only take one class per semester for my degree.
3. Read more – Indeed I did. I read lots of books, blogs (mostly blogs), and magazines. I need to expand on my genre of books…but I tend to read what makes me happy, and I am going to continue.
4. Get certified in Pilates – FAIL. I did order the stuff and began to do it. I need to take the test and follow through.
5. Start a blog – I tried to do the best I could to keep up with it. I’ve had the ever-changing blog this year, trying to find my own in the blogosphere. It started as family updates to fashion posts, to beauty, to lots of giveaways, to pregnancy. Hey, I just have a widespread interest base. Ha!
6. Be Healthy – I tried. I’m not great, but I’m also not gaining 20 lbs. Ok wait, I am gaining…but I’m allowed this time 🙂
7. Finish my “leap list” – FAIL. I didn’t even write down my leap list. It’s in my head and I’ve certainly completed a few 😉
Best of luck with all of your resolutions! Here's to a great 2013. Have a great week.